
Secure your retirement
with the best
investment opportunities

Build a diverse retirement portfolio to mitigate risk

Retire with peace of mind

The importance of financial planning for retirement can never be understated, especially in an inflationary environment. Adequate planning ensures preserving your lifestyle and protecting the financial future of your family post-retirement.

This is where The Family Office offers its proven expertise. By building investment portfolios diversified across asset classes and geographical areas to balance the returns and risks, we help individuals and families reach their financial goals for retirement and secure financial independence after their employment income stops.


Access exclusive private market investments.


Build a tailor-made portfolio in diversified asset classes.


Benefit from the expertise of our financial advisors.

You don’t need to pay the entire investment amount up front to access exclusive private market investments. Our new service allows you to fund just 25% of your portfolio initially and the remainder in monthly payments over up to five years.

Try our Digital Platform

Define your investment preference and goals.

Choose your payment plan.

Receive a customized portfolio proposal and payment plan.

Start investing.

The Family Office Co. BSC (c) is a Category 1 Investment Firm regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain C.R. No. 53871 dated 21/6/2004. Paid Up Capital: US$10,000,000. The Family Office Co. BSC (c) only offers products and services to ‘accredited investors’ as defined by the Central Bank of Bahrain. The Family Office Co. BSC (c) does not offer products or services in the US. The Family Office Co. BSC (c) is not licensed to provide credit and does not offer any such credit or lending products. All invests are subject to risks, including the possible loss of the money you invest. The investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information are contained in the detailed offering materials; read and consider them carefully before investing. Please also read carefully the disclaimers set forth here: