
Be the one who
plans it right!

In an era of unprecedented uncertainty, retirement
planning has become more important than ever. With
the retirement gap widening, seize control of your
future today with expert financial advice.

The Growing Gap

Increasing lifespans are currently straining traditional retirement systems, forcing many into extended working years. Inflation is also eroding the retirement income, widening the gap between retirement funds and the desired lifestyle, and emphasizing the necessity for reliable retirement planning.

At The Family Office, we understand the unique challenges that nationals and expatriates alike face in the GCC when it comes to planning a worry-free retirement, and we're here to help you take better control of your financial future.

Our Exclusive Offerings

Diversified Portfolios

We align our portfolio solutions
with your financial goals and your
desired lifestyle.

Private Market Investments

Our private market assets
provide stability and reliability in
unpredictable conditions.

Customized Solutions

We tailor our solutions to fit your
unique financial needs, risk
tolerance and time horizon.

Plan Strategically for Your Retirement

Whether you're an expatriate without access to traditional
pension funds or simply seeking a more secure retirement plan,
we help you customize a portfolio aligned with your needs and
goals. Contact us today and plan for the retirement you deserve.

Learn More About Retirement Planning

Management Insights - 1 min
Ali Al Gwaiz Speaks To Argaam About Financial Planning For Retirement

Ali Al Gwaiz, Chief Executive Officer of The Family Office International Investment Company, spoke to Argaam about the importance of financial planning for retirement to preserve your lifestyle and protect the financial future of your family. Below are the highlights of the interview:

Education - 1 min
How Much Should I Save For Retirement?

According to a 2019 survey by Fidelity International on people’s readiness for retirement, most households around the world cannot cover their retirement expenses. People across all regions and age groups find retirement planning very complicated and many don’t know where to start.

Pension fund crisis
Market Insights - 3 min
The Global Pensions Crisis: Be Prepared

While unfolding slowly, the world’s pension funds are facing a crisis. Long-term demographic changes and short-term market shocks are opening a gap between what they owe pension plan participants and what they can afford.