Market Outlook

David Darst’s May 2022 Market Recap

David Darst’s May 2022 Market Recap

Watch David Darst, CFA - Senior Advisor, share his recap of the major events in May 2022.

Jun 9, 2022Market Recap- 1 min
  • Financial market indices:
    S&P 500 was flat for the month of May despite high volatility.
    Oil had a very strong month and was up 9.5%, while gold was down 3.5%.
    The dollar lost 1.7% against the DXY index but is up 6.0% year-to-date.

  • The volatility index exceeded 30% during 8 of the 21 trading days in May

  • The economy is expected to further slowdown this year with recession becoming a possibility if inflation remains too high. Earnings are also expected to go down as inflation cuts into margins and causes consumers to spend less.

  • Diversification and liquidity will be the main themes of the upcoming period: diversification with growth, value and defensive assets, and upgrading portfolios by selling low quality and buying high quality assets.

Watch the full market recap above.

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