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“Balanced Asset Allocation Amid Regional and Global Economic Developments Is Indispensable,” Abdullah Bukhari Asserts at the Global Asset Allocation Conference

“Balanced Asset Allocation Amid Regional and Global Economic Developments Is Indispensable,” Abdullah Bukhari Asserts at the Global Asset Allocation Conference

In an interview with Bloomberg Asharq at the Global Asset Allocation Conference in Riyadh, Abdullah Bukhari, CEO of The Family Office International Investment Company, underlined the need to keep abreast of digital transformation developments, tap available growth opportunities and maintain a balanced investment portfolio. Below are the highlights of the interview:

May 4, 2023Management Insights- 1 min
  • Saudi Vision 2030 and the clear financial policies boost growth opportunities for investors.

  • Digital transformation will feature more prominently in investments.

  • Private equity has great growth potential due to the magnitude of development and economic mobility in the KSA.

  • Investors must have a long-term vision and diversify portfolios between liquid and long-term assets to attain balance and ensure investment success.

  • The more diversified the investment portfolio assets, the less they will be exposed to global market fluctuations.

  • The Family Office invested in infrastructure and digital transformation themes.

Watch the full interview to learn more about asset allocation amid regional and global economic developments.

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