

Why Should Women Consider Wealth Management

Education - 4 min

Why Should Women Consider Wealth Management

With more women taking on leading roles in the workforce, building businesses, and becoming primary decision-makers for their families, managing and growing their wealth has become a critical priority. Tailored wealth management strategies can empower women to achieve financial independence, safeguard their future, and leave a lasting legacy.

Sep 4, 2024

Financial Planning: Explained

Education - 2 min

Why Is Financial Planning Important?

The importance of financial planning cannot be overstated. The right financial planning strategies allow you to achieve your financial goals, whether it’s buying a family home, saving for your children’s education, ensuring a comfortable retirement, or going on a dream vacation. Moreover, it prepares you for unforeseen situations and emergencies, like falling sick, losing your job, or having to renovate your house.

Sep 4, 2024


Education - 4 min

2024 Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium: What You Need to Know

While only 16 minutes in length, Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) Chairman Jerome Powell’s speech at the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium, delivered last Friday, August 23rd, was both hotly anticipated and highly impactful.Part historical lecture, part defense speech, and part press conference, Powell appeared to open a new chapter in the ongoing saga that began in late 2021, with the return of above-target inflation. In this article, we tease out the ‘need-to-knows’ for the informed investor.

Aug 27, 2024

steady grwoth

Education - 4 min

Steady Growth Anticipated for Private Credit Market

Leading players in the private credit market, including Blackstone, predict substantial growth for this asset class in the coming years. Factors such as stricter banking regulations and the high demand for financing to support trends like the energy transition and the expansion of data centers are key drivers.

Aug 12, 2024


Education - 4 min

Why Financial Independence is Crucial for Women

In our dynamic economic environment, financial independence has become increasingly important for individuals from all walks of life. For women, achieving financial autonomy is not just about securing their own future but also about gaining the power to make impactful decisions, support causes they care about, and leave a lasting legacy. As we strive towards a more inclusive and equitable society, it is crucial to recognize and address the unique financial challenges that women face and provide them with the tools and knowledge to overcome these obstacles.

Jul 29, 2024


Education - 4 min

A Potential Shift for the Fed? The detail beneath the optimism

It is almost a year since the Fed raised interest rates to their current level of 5% to 5.25%, the highest in 23 years. Many market commentators have been asserting the desirability of lower rates for business and the economy. Some have asserted that it is even necessary to avoid recession. Few believed, however, that a rapid series of rate cuts were likely in the short-term. All that has changed in the past few weeks. But what has changed, exactly? And should we be swayed by this sudden change in sentiment? In this article, we’ll find out.

Jul 23, 2024

Why the Future May Be Brighter Than Many Are Predicting

Education - 4 min

Why the Future May Be Brighter Than Many Are Predicting

There is no shortage of doom and gloom in the headlines and economic commentary these days. And to be sure, there is plenty of data to back it up. Challenged government balance sheets and geopolitical brinkmanship are not a recipe for a rosy growth outlook.As investors, we know that opportunities always exist, whether the macro picture is bright or bleak. We are also accustomed to taking a fresh look at the facts rather than piling into the latest bandwagon or being pulled along by the latest groupthink.In this article, we examine a key driver that could alter the face of the coming decade and its economic prospects: productivity.

Jul 18, 2024


Education - 4 min

Staying Private: Why Companies are Delaying IPOs

Companies have always relied on private capital - from banks, personal funds, and specialist early-stage investors such as venture capital firms - to finance the early stages of their business.Upon reaching a certain size, the most efficient way to obtain additional growth capital has traditionally been to ‘go public’, or in technical terms, to hold an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Public companies have access (via capital markets) to the full, potential universe of investors, from institutions to individuals.

Jul 3, 2024