
Insights into the Large-Scale Technology and Technology-Enabled Trends in Private Equity with Silver Lake

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 4:00 pm (GMT+3)

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

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4:00 pm (GMT+3) 

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Language: English

Webinar topics include:

  • Introduction to Silver Lake: From their founding to their strategy, team and geographic focus.

  • Scope of deals: Exploring deal formats and sectors.

  • Market setup for large-scale tech: Unveiling recent deals with a spotlight on the larger “all-in” control transactions of the Silver Lake Partners VII Fund (“SLP VII Fund”), in addition to the pipeline and themes.

  • Tech-enabled trends: Delving into tech-driven trends such as healthcare, content and travel.

  • Value addition and growth: Learning how companies are enhanced, unlocking new stages of financial and operational growth.

  • Progress: Latest fundraising updates on Silver Lake Partners VII Fund (“SLP VII Fund”).



Adam Karol

Managing Director at Silver Lake


Sami Favre

Sami Favre

CFA – Vice President of the Investment Team at Petiole USA Limited

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