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Why Direct Investments in Private Markets?

Access Private Equity Opportunities
Access to Elite Sponsors with a Proven Track Record

We employ a rigorous manager selection process and leverage our long-standing relationships with global sponsors.

Diversify and Mitigate Risk
Thematic Exposure to Unique Opportunities

Capitalize on favorable market trends by investing in thematic opportunities aligned with your interests and goals.

Choose Thematic Funds
Increased Diversification Amid Market Turbulence

Our investments offer a diversified portfolio of companies that offsets market turbulence, stabilizing the overall return profile.

Transparent Fee Structure
Transparent, Flexible and Highly Competitive Fees

Our fee structure is simple: fixed management fee, no subscription fees and flexible payment options.

Explore our direct investments in
private markets at the touch of a button.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our direct investments in private markets aggregate investments into a single vehicle which are then allocated into a target investment, offering investors access to brand names and more risk-return options.

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